Our Mission
Advancing the study of all aspects of crustacean biology
The Crustacean Society (TCS) achieves its mission by promoting the exchange and dissemination of information throughout the world by:
- The Journal of Crustacean Biology (JCB) an SCI journal, with Editor-in-Chief Dr. Pedro Castro, published by the Oxford University Press;
- Biannual, international meetings to gather the world's carcinologists for constructive interaction and collaboration, and by supporting other societies, meetings, and conferences that share our mission;
- annual competitions for fellowship, scholarship, and travel awards for postdocs and both graduate and undergraduate students
TCS membership benefits
Subscription to Journal of Crustacean Biology (online access to all issues starting with Vol. 1)
Waiver of page charges for the first 12 pages of articles published in Journal of Crustacean Biology.
Discounted registration rates for the TCS and Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meetings.
Support of student scholarships (Annually, TCS awards $6000 for support of student research).
Support of travel to meetings (Annually, TCS awards $5000 to cover Student Registration fees at meetings and $4000 for early career travel funds).
Support of Student Presentation Awards (Annually, TCS awards $400 for Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards).
Support of symposia and other society meetings (TCS provides seed money to support Crustacea-related symposia and other societies, such as the 18th International Colloquium on Amphipoda).
For those that choose to be Patron Members: online journal access and subsidize at least one student member.